
Sunday, September 26, 2010

A drive for a sunset and another walk around the garden

I can't believe the colours of the flowers especially the pansies and the wisteria. Thought you might like to see them. The sunset was last Sunday. We are having the best weather at the moment. It even got to 28 degrees (86 degrees Fahrenheit) last week. We have a public holiday here tomorrow so my other half is going for a cycle ride and I am making Christmas cards.

sorry about the graffiti but what a lovely sunset :-)
My other half has booked a shopping weekend away for me to Melbourne at the end of November so should get some lovely photos again, and some great bargains at the direct factory outlets and markets.
to Vintgage Mum, let your daughter know there is a small parcel on its way :-)
will say goodbye now and everybody look after yourselves. will blog soon

Friday, September 17, 2010

A walk around the garden. Saturday 18th September

As I walk out of my kitchen door I go out into a new world of flowers which have opened just in time for spring. The pansies are looking beautiful all in a row on the window-ledge of the kitchen so I can see them whilst I am in the kitchen. This leads to the patio with a table (which will be used for bar-b-ques in the summer) with a lovely watering can and a bowl with some tulip bulbs which hopefully will bloom. (watch this space for more pictures)

The white flower is a Camellia which I would have to say is next to being my all time favourite flower after the rose. The other flowers are Azaleas, the white one with pink around the edges is aptly named lipstick. The whole patio is abloom with colour but thought I would just show a few of the nicest. The small purple flower is a wisteria which has not yet come into full bloom, but still shows promise of being spectacular again this year.

The ordeal with my eye is hopefully over. The surgeon is happy with the laser treatment and I don't need to go back till next year to see him. Some good news on the job front, I have been made permanent in my role (I was on a secondment for 1 year) so I won't need to worry what will happen at the end of the year now.

Just off to make myself a cup of tea, so will sign off and say happy blogging to all

Barbara :-)