This is one of the beautiful boxes Vintage Mum made for me as I love snowmen. The inside is full of tiny snowmen like the big one on the lid.
I also love jewelery, and I have had a ring made from 2 of my old rings. Picked it up yesterday and I love it.
I am still trying to get my blog back to the way it was when I first started blogging but even though I try, I can't seen to get it to load any different wallpapers. I will persevere. :-)
I have persevered and changed it a little bit. please let me know what you think of it.
We are having some much needed rain today and the gardens and plants are sending their thanks.
Speaking of snowmen I must say I love Christmas as much and have started my Christmas shopping already. I bought 2 pressies today and 3 more tomorrow. I try and theme my day and this year it is Red & White and the shops are thinking the same as me as there seems to be lots of red decorations and nick-nacks I should not have much trouble going overboard as usual:-)
Don;t work too hard all you workers, I am on leave this weeek so will sign off and do a bit more around the house and hope to hear from you
Barbara :-)